Las Lomas Model United Nations Conference



Harrshwin Sivakumaran & Kimberly Huang

Harrshwin Sivakumaran

Hey everyone! My name is Harrshwin ST and I will be one of your two Secretary Generals for the conference. This is the first conference our district has hosted and we are so excited to be joined by all of you. MUN has been such a great experience in my life and I’ve made some of my closest friends at mun conferences and I hope that you all make new friends at our conference too. It’s been a journey organizing and setting this up, but I’m so glad we did. On behalf of Las Lomas Model UN welcome to LLMUNC!

Kimberly Huang

Hello everyone! My name is Kim, and I’ll be your Secretary-General of LLMUNC ‘25. I’ve competed for Las Lomas MUN for the past three years and have fallen in love with Model UN’s ability to bring people together to solve our world’s problems. Outside of MUN, you can find me searching for the perfect soup dumpling (ask me for recs!), sketching on Converse, and engaging in spirited debates. I can’t wait to meet you all, and I wish you the best of luck!


Reva Addagarla & Suren Patterson

Reva Addagarla

Reva Addagarla is a junior at Amador Valley High school. She has been doing MUN for three years as AVMUN, currently serving as its Co-President. She's excited to see all of the delegates attending and hopes everyone will have a great time.

Suren Patterson

Hey delegates! I’m Suren and I’ll be one of your Director Generals for LLMUN this year! I started MUN 3 years ago and simply loved the way MUN blends strategy and diplomacy. For LLMUN, I will be working to help manage the conference, assist secretariat, and aid each committee. Beyond MUN, I am an avid hiker and (fairly competent) guitarist. I can’t wait to see you all this February!


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Under Secretary General of Communication

Charlotte Abellera

My name is Charlotte Abellera, and I'm so pleased to be LLMUNC's USG of communications as well as a vice chair for our ADHOC committee! As USG of comms, I'll be in charge of making sure information within our conference is being relayed successfully and efficiently. As a vice chair, I'll be working with our dels to help guide them through... whatever we'll be doing. You'll just have to wait and see! I love model UN; it's a wonderful way to talk politics and meet new people. I'm so excited to see you all in February, good luck dels!

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Under Secretary Genreal of Marketing

Alden Salmon

Hello! My names Alden, and I will be your USG of marketing! This is my second year doing MUN, but my first time helping to run a conference! Hopefully you liked me post, and can’t wait to watch chaos ensue at the upcoming LLMUNC.

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Under Secretary General of Accountability

Anvita Bhargava

My name is Anvita Bhargava, and I'm so excited to be a part of the first-ever Las Lomas Model UN Conference! As your USG of Accountability, I will be checking for AI in position papers, reviewing complaints from chairs, and ensuring everyone stays on task. Something I enjoy about Model UN is how it forces me to go out of my comfort zone. I struggle a lot with public speaking. But over the years, thanks to MUN, I've become a lot better. Thank you so much for joining our conference. See you on 2/22/25!

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Under Secretary General of Internal Affairs

Audrika Chowdhury

I’m Audrika Chowdhury and I’m the usg of internal affairs. Model UN is one of my favorite things I do so being apart of helping a conference come to life is so fun for me. I think Model UN is a great way to involve yourself in the world around you. Downtown Las Lomas is a great area and I’m sure this will be a memorable and fun conference for everyone who comes.

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Under Secretary of General of Outreach

Ashmi Gaur

Personally knowing everyone who’s involved in the process of making this come to life, knowing the type of people they are and their dedication, makes me very excited for 2/22/25. I know that everyone is working hard to make this conference very inclusive and fun, with a touch of some healthy competition. Combine that with the good food we’re surrounded by in downtown Walnut Creek, and I’m sure that LLMUN is bound to be the highlight of our Model UN journeys.